Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek - Lake Nipigon Reserve skip to content

Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek


members as of


Lake Nipigon Reserve

On May 24, 2008, the Animbiigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek celebrated the creation of their new Reserve.



"The creation of a Reserve landbase has been a dream for the people of Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan since the signing of the Robinson-Superior Treaty in 1850. The Lake Nipigon Reserve will provide us with the home we need to revive our culture, our traditions and our language as we look to the future to build a prosperous community for future generations. We will create a community that honours the past as we look to the future to capture opportunities as we manage resources in a respectful manner that is consistent with our traditions and values. The creation of this Reserve is our first step as we move forward to create a model community for members as we use best practices in community planning and seek to build upon our partnerships with Government departments."


Chief Yvette Metansinine

Useful Links :

Lake Nipigon Reserve Map

Land Management-

Lake Nipigon Reserve: Satellite View

Overview of Land Negotiations