Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek - Reserve Negotiations skip to content

Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek


members as of


Lake Nipigon Reserve Negotiations

Summary of Land negotiations


Framework agreement is developed to help guide the negotiations in the establishment of reserve land bases for two signatory first nations and to expand the reserve land bases of four other signatory first nations.


Land base negotiations commence. We focus our negotiations on the establishment of a reserve in Auden. The federal and provincial governments contend that Auden would be too remote of a location to support a viable community. Ultimately, the negotiations for reserve lands around Auden would fail.


Chief Yvette Metansinine is elected. Priority is given to the reopening of land base negotiations with the federal and provincial governments. Chief and Council begin the process of evaluating alternative locations for the establishment of a reserve land base. Through the evaluation process and consultation with community members, a location that was highway accessible with greater potential for economic development was selected.


An agreement in principle is signed outlining the establishment of a reserve land base located at Partridge Lake. To commemorate this historic event, the film “A Place Of Our Own” is produced.


Final Land Agreement is signed describing 12.5 square kilometers of land near Partridge Lake that will become a reserve land base.


On the 24th of May, our community celebrates the creation of our reserve.