Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek - Planning Committee skip to content

Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek


members as of


Lake Nipigon Reserve Planning Committee

Animbiigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek's Community Planning Committee


Our Community Planning Committee was established through a selection process in July 2009 and consists of nine Members. Their role is to work with the Community Planner and ensure the Band Members in their area stay updated on the planning process. They meet regularly to review information collected at workshops and make recommendations to Chief and Council. The Committee is also currently involved in evaluating a potential economic development project for our new Community.


The members of our Community Planning Commitee from left to right:

Cindy Kindla, Beardmore
Tracey Head, Geraldton
Wanda Metansinine, Thunder Bay
Priscilla Graham, Jellicoe
Blythe Haynen, Thunder Bay
Dorothy Cheesequay, Geraldton
Raymond Sasines, Beardmore
Billy Logan, Nipigon Area
Annette Brisard, Jellicoe

If you would like to send questions or comments to the Community Planning Committee, you can email them at